I am going to just see where things take me - no promises of what will happen, how many posts per week or even when I'll be posting...
So where have we been?
Last year I fell into what became a full-time job that I had anticipated to be part-time. I worked at a local grocery chain as a Customer Service Associate and evening bookkeeper. I had gone in with the intention of working 18-24 hours per week - and I honestly don't think that ever happened... It was a great re-entry into the workforce after so many years at home and it taught me that our little family could handle the stress of me working more hours than we thought... but it didn't pay overly well and the stress of some of the situations made me crazy, so this past August, I looked for another new job and ended up in a place Wayne always thought I'd excel at but didn't want to cross into his territory - hospitality!

Yesterday, I got to bring the boys to work to do cookie decorating and take a wander around... they're getting to be so big! Liam is in 5th grade now so we are actively searching for the right middle school for him... Erik is already in second grade and is growing in leaps and bounds - so much that other than being about 6 inches shorter, and rolling up his pant legs, the boys are sharing clothes...

Robyn is a JUNIOR at C of C! Time is moving way too quickly and she is on pace to graduate next year from College - I am not old enough to have an almost college graduate :) She is home less and less, but that's a good thing as she becomes more independent.
We are looking forward to the holidays - all four of them are looking forward to time off from school - and I am happily planning a little get away for us to Florida between Christmas and New Years!
What have you been up to? What are your holiday plans? Is anyone still out there?
More to come from me, I promise ...