Today was Erik's 15 month well visit and he's finally ON THE CHARTS! He's in the 79th percentile for head circumference (19 inches), 89th percentile for height (33 inches) and 93rd percentile for weight (29 lbs). This is the first time since he was six months old that we are back on the chart... maybe he'll stay in this size clothing for a while now - 2T on the bottom and 4T on the top at 15 months is big enough for me... plus I'd feel silly if the boys were sharing a wardrobe already...
I'm a little stressed about what Robyn will be facing in High School. One of her 8th grade classmates was suspended this week for having cigarettes and a lighter at school... guess I should be expecting it now, but I was hoping it wouldn't creep in yet... and I know it could be worse - it could have been drugs...
Wayne is finally feeling better after battling a cold all week. He took a couple of days off this week... so he must have really been feeling rotten - cause he'll usually go to work regardless - just to get away from me (wink, wink)
Liam has been invited to his first 'friend at school, not mom's friend' birthday party this weekend at Chuck-E-Cheese... even my little guy is growing up!
As for me... I'm looking forward to Tuesday - my parents arrive from Toronto for a 10 day visit! I love having house guests!
Well, I'm pretty well fragged out for now... visit Mrs. 4444 and the rest of the other fraggers by clicking on the button below: