This week's topic is Christmas Carols... as Wayne said in his post.. popular choice - I've already posted some fun Canadian Christmas Carols and a second version of my favorite Classic Canadian Carol - the Huron Christmas Carol - with a fun story to go with it... on my Wednesday Hodgepodge, and so I'm going in a different direction but staying with two of my favorite Canadian artisits - Michael Buble and Shania Twain:
and probably my all time favorite duet not sung by Canadians:
This week’s statements:
1. I usually want to sleep longer but never seem to be able to convince the kids to go along...
2. I was named Heather Anne because because my mom liked the first name and Anne is a family name shared by my great-grandmother, grandmother, mother and me...
3. I would never change my feeling about my body, but I would change my actual size.
4. The last time I said “I Love You” was to my hubby before bed.
And now on to my Fragments...
It's not really feeling a lot like Christmas here... we didn't decorate because we'll be away for the holiday, but I'm kinda missing having my tree up to twinkle at me at night... then again, we'll be home in just over a week, so I think I can wait... it probably doesn't help that the weather has been in the high sixties and low seventies for most of December...
I'm dreaming of a White Christmas... as long as it doesn't start while we're driving on December 20th and 21st and has melted and dried up by the time we have to make the return trip on December 28th... too much to ask?
Random moment this week... was surfing youtube and found out that a friend from a very long time ago is now a full time musician and has some wonderful folk and fun historical songs - I put up her version of Huron Christmas Carol on Wednesday and here's another favorite:
You can check out more of Heather's music on her website at
I'm looking forward to checking out Monsters Inc 3D next week (Wednesday December 19th) ... and if you want to get your kids into the mood, you can check out these fun activity pages:

We're going to attempt to take some family photos this weekend... Wayne's friend Henry (who was featured on his WW post this week) has agreed to come out and try to capture us... should make for an interesting afternoon... I'm hoping to get just one good shot... do you think that's too much to ask?
Erik has woken up and is fussy, so this is the end of my frags for now... hopefully he can get back to sleep soon, because I'm wiped...
I'll leave you with this thought:
Now sally forth and visit others at: