Thanks to Ms. 4444's for hosting Friday Fragments.
W - Congratulations to Charleston for being named the best tourism destination in the USA. You can read my take about it here. It is cool to teach Hospitality and Tourism in such a place.
- H - I love that my adopted city is appreciated ... it lures more great restaurants and people here.. win/win for all of us!
W - My car is not happy with me this week. I hope its Saturday morning appointment with the mechanic helps it feel better (while not killing my wallet).
- H - I hope so too... because my car is going to need work next... isn't that always the way?
W - I have a project that I have had just the worst writers block on. It is so frustrating and infuriating at once.
- H - Maybe you need to take a break from it and blog more... just sayin'
W - I am looking forward to cleaning the house this weekend. I mean what is better after working a 50 hour work week than spending a weekend cleaning... Then again it is because Heather's sister and friend who arrive Monday - so not a bad rationale.
- It's always good to have house guests...
H - I am looking forward to having family visit next week - my sister and good friend and my mom and dad will all be here for a short visit!
H - Erik has learned that there are two kinds of parks - the kind with swings and slides and the kind with walks... he's a much bigger fan of the first, but will put up with the second because mom prefers them and he can sometimes see "amimls" and mom brings snacks: